
Showing posts from April, 2018

Florida Already?

4/23/2018 I prepared for today’s drive to a new environment exploiting a beautiful morning. I departed the pleasantly peaceful Buccaneer State Park then drove the uneventful route spent mainly on Interstate 10 through Pensacola, Florida to the Gulf Islands National Seashore , Fort Pickens Campground . As I drove the slender peninsula to my campsite I observed that I was scarcely above sea level. I checked my cellphone for my altitude which registered 6 meters (19.685 feet). That’s a reasonably sized wave height in some areas of the world. I inhabited the new site without incident which set the tone for the rest of the day. I then proceeded to research the surrounding area for tomorrow’s activities. Luckily, I was able to complete that pursuit as the cocktail hour commenced and I had to cease further productive behaviors.  Photo courtesy US Navy 4/24/2018 The remnants of last night’s cocktail hour remained with me this morning producing a mental tangle.  My sluggishness was

So Long Texas

4/18/2018 So long Texas! Hello Louisiana! Yep, I crossed the border into Cajun country. I had the pleasure of riding two ferries today: Galveston to Bolivar Peninsula, Texas and again in Louisiana across the Calcasieu River . The Calcasieu River allows ship traffic to traverse as far north as Lake Charles, Louisiana. My first stop for the day was at the Dockside Bar & Grill in Cameron, Louisiana . T he Dockside produced a great burger in a very friendly environment.   After my discussion with several patrons at the restaurant I decided to head about 3 miles south to the Cameron Jetty Pier R/V Park .   I was checked into the site ($25) by Cecil a staff member of the Cameron Parish Police Jury that operates the Park. After setting up I walked over to an observation tower that overlooks the beach. There I meet a couple from Minneapolis that was on a ten day excursion having left a 3 day stay in New Orleans earlier in the day. Afterwards, I walked over to the pier where I met Ald